
The Three Greatest Moments In Composite Doors Epsom History

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Marina Van Raalte спросил 6 месяцев назад

Why Choose Composite Doors For Your Home in Epsom

The Three Greatest Moments In Composite Doors Epsom HistoryComposite doors are the most secure front door available on the market today, combining a variety of layers to create a solid frame that even the most ardent of home intruders will struggle to break through. Our Endurance composite doors come fitted with a British Kitemark and Secured by Design approved locks and anti-snap bump, pick and drill cylinder.


In contrast to timber doors front doors don’t require frequent painting or sanding, and they can remain looking new for decades. They won’t warp, rot or break easily, making them a good long-term investment. The robust material used in the construction of these doors allows them to withstand the harshest weather conditions without causing damage or discoloration. The insulating foam core and strong outer frame are designed to keep your home warm, dry and secure.

Composite doors aren’t just durable, but also beautiful. You can pick from an extensive range of finishes and colours that complement your style. They can also be customized with unique designs and glazing options to make your house truly stand out from others.

GRP composite doors are moulded Glass Reinforced Plastic, whereas timber composite doors feature a solid core made of engineered wood with a high-density insulated polyurethane or thermoplastic Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) skin. GRP composite doors are compression moulded Glass Reinforced Polymer while timber composite doors have a solid core of engineered wood and a high-density, insulated polyurethane or thermo-plastic Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) skin. Both styles provide a range of advantages for homeowners, including enhanced energy efficiency, improved security, and authentic wood appearances.

The primary benefit of a timber composite door is the solid timber core which is a significant upgrade on cheaper foam filled alternatives. The core of the timber is insulated and enclosed in a sturdy aluminium sub-frame before being wrapped in an weatherproof skin. This style is popular with homeowners who prefer a classic elegant and traditional design.

Another advantage of a solid timber door is that it’s extremely difficult to break into. This makes it an excellent option for homes located in high crime areas and offers peace of mind for those worried about burglaries.

Hamiltons Hamiltons, an established local Epsom composite doors specialist will help you choose the perfect front door that is sturdy stylish, secure, and attractive. We are able to supply and install an array of front doors in Epsom, Banstead, Ewell, Stoneleigh, Hook, Chesington, Caterham and Ashtead, along with the wider Surrey region.


Composite doors are extremely sturdy and safe. They also come with the most modern locking mechanisms that ward off criminals. This makes them a highly secure option for your home in Epsom, giving peace of mind, and making your home one that is difficult to break into if an intruder tried.

Composite doors are available in different styles, colors, and glazing options. They are durable, flexible and environmentally friendly. These doors are built to withstand the harshest conditions, improve the security of your home, and require only minimal maintenance throughout their lifespan.

Composite doors are an upgrade to traditional timber alternatives. They are built to withstand harsh conditions, keep Epsom properties secure and provide the highest efficiency in energy consumption available.

Our composite doors feature an insulated core that provides greater thermal efficiency and eliminates drafts. You will be comfortable all year in your Epsom home. This core, in conjunction with the GRP surface creates a barrier to stop heat from leaving your home and cold from entering.

Another benefit of our Endurance doors is the fact that they come with a 10- year guarantee from Warmlite that ensures that your new front door made of composite will last for a long time without needing any replacements or repairs. This is something you won’t find with a standard wooden door fitter epsom, which often requires frequent maintenance and repainting.

Composite doors can be customized to suit your personal preferences and have almost unlimited colors to choose from. There are a variety of attractive colors, as well as the variety of woodgrain finishes. But they can also be supplied in any RAL shade you want.

So, you’ll be capable of matching your new door to the rest of your home’s decor in lens replacement double glazed windows epsom,, and really make it feel like a vital part of the home. Contact us today to receive a free estimate and see how your composite door will appear.


If you’re looking to invest in a door that offers the highest level of security door, composite doors are the way to go. They are incredibly strong and feature a top-quality locking mechanism that is certified to Secured by Design standards. This means they can stand up to any impact, making them one of the most secure front and back doors on the market.

They can also increase the efficiency of your home. They are more insulating and could lower your energy bills throughout the year. This is especially beneficial in the winter months, when heating expenses can go up.

Composite doors are available in a variety of colors, styles and designs. You can pick a front door that suits your taste and your home’s style. The doors are made to last and are robust. They have a high-quality, durable frame that will make them look new for many years.

Thermaframe composite doors are an excellent option for Epsom homeowners who want to improve the security and efficiency of their homes. The composite doors offer a modern alternative to the traditional wooden front doors. They are available with a variety of double glazing epsom-glazing options to create the perfect home improvement. If you’re looking for a contemporary or traditional style, Thermaframe has a wide selection of front doors to suit any property.

Composite doors aren’t constructed of a single material, but rather a mixture of materials. This eliminates the shortcomings of traditional timber doors. The composite doors have the core made of high-density or low-density foam that is placed inside the timber sub-frame. Aluminium inserts are added to reinforce the structure, and a glass-reinforced plastic skin adds the finishing touch. This will ensure that your new composite door is durable and can withstand the harsh winter conditions of Epsom.

Thermaframe’s doors are also backed by Solidor’s 10 year guarantee, which means you can trust the quality of your purchase. This guarantee covers any defects in the materials used to create the profile, panels and glazing units of your new front door providing you with peace of mind that it will last an extended period of time.


Composite doors can last of up to 30 years. This makes them the most durable and durable home improvement option available on the market. Like any home improvement product, they must be maintained occasionally in order to perform at their peak. Regular cleaning of your composite doors using hot soapy tap water and a soft microfibre towel will keep them looking beautiful. It is recommended to clean your composite door fitting epsom once every month, however this can be done more often depending on your requirements.

A composite door lasts much longer than a traditional uPVC door, which can start to look dated or worn out in time due to weather and other elements. They are resistant to extreme weather conditions and are less likely to rot.

This strength is due to the fact that they are manufactured with a solid wood core, which means they won’t expand or crack. This also means that your composite doors are not susceptible to warping or discolouration. This helps to preserve the integrity of your home, and is another factor that helps to prolong their lifespan.

Composite doors are also more energy efficient. They are insulated, which keeps your Epsom home warmer in the winter, Lens replacement epsom and cooler in summer. This will save money on your electric bills, and help to reduce your carbon footprint as well.

The security that is offered by composite doors is unmatched by none. They are very strong and come with high-quality locks which make it hard for burglars to break into your house. These locks are also accredited to Secured by Design standards, meaning that your home will be much safer than if you had standard doors installed.

Composite doors come in a range of colors, styles and designs and can be customized to match the style of your home. This means that you can choose the ideal door to complement your home and stand out when visitors come to come over. They can be fitted with a wide range of features, including spy holes, letter plates numbers, knockers and many more.